Lowongan Sales Engineer Project di PT Genecraft Labs, Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, KOTA ADM. JAKARTA BARAT, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia
Syarat Melamar di Posisi Sales Engineer Project di PT Genecraft Labs
Dibutuhkan 3 staff ditempatkan di posisi Tugas Sales Engineer Project pada PT Genecraft Labs yang berlokasi di kota Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, KOTA ADM. JAKARTA BARAT, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia
Adapun yang dibutuhkan adalah seorang dengan:
- Gender Laki - Laki
- Tamatan Sarjana
- Status pernikahan menikah & belum menikah.
- Usia Pelamar adalah antara s.d. tahun.
- Fisik Pelamar : Non Disabilitas
- Skill yang dibutuhkan : Sales
Kualifikasi Pelamar
- Bachelor's degree in Chemistry/Electrical Engineering/Physics/Instrumentation Physics
- Experience within the healthcare/laboratory industry is a must
- Min. 3 years of working experience in selling life science/laboratory equipment and instruments, handling government projects/clients is preferred
- Target-oriented, attractive with confidence in your personal presentation, sales skills and the ability to make a positive impact
- Proven successes in building strong external and internal relationships (good relationship with government is preferable)
- Effective communication, influencing and collaborative networking skills
- Has valid driving license (SIM A&C) and willing to travel
- Fluent in English & proficient in Ms. Office
- Job location: Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- Make a work plan to achieve sales target
- Mapping the potential of the marketing area that has been determined by the company
- Focusing and promote products to find a new customer
- Planning & conducting customer visits and evaluating customer needs
- Build up an excellent relationship with new potential customer
- Manage and maintain good relationships with key account customer
- Providing product presentation and the best solution for customer needs
- Communicate and maintenance existing customer at coverage area
- Make sales and activity report.
Kisaran Gaji
Kisaran Gaji adalah s.d. *
Bandingkan Gaji yang ditawarkan ini dengan Kebutuhan Anda juga dengan UMR Kota tempat Perusahaan ini berada yaitu Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, KOTA ADM. JAKARTA BARAT, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia, Jika Anda cocok maka silahkan lanjutkan, Jika tidak cocok silahkan cari lowongan lainnya sesuai kemampuan dan minat serta gaji yang Anda inginkan.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Tingkat Kesulitan dalam wawancara : normal
- Bachelor's degree in Chemistry/Electrical Engineering/Physics/Instrumentation Physics
- Experience within the healthcare/laboratory industry is a must
- Min. 3 years of working experience in selling life science/laboratory equipment and instruments, handling government projects/clients is preferred
- Target-oriented, attractive with confidence in your personal presentation, sales skills and the ability to make a positive impact
- Proven successes in building strong external and internal relationships (good relationship with government is preferable)
- Effective communication, influencing and collaborative networking skills
- Has valid driving license (SIM A&C) and willing to travel
- Fluent in English & proficient in Ms. Office
- Job location: Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- Make a work plan to achieve sales target
- Mapping the potential of the marketing area that has been determined by the company
- Focusing and promote products to find a new customer
- Planning & conducting customer visits and evaluating customer needs
- Build up an excellent relationship with new potential customer
- Manage and maintain good relationships with key account customer
- Providing product presentation and the best solution for customer needs
- Communicate and maintenance existing customer at coverage area
- Make sales and activity report.
Profil Perusahaan
Kode Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 11620.46599.20230516.0-001
ID Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 73f476da-e0cc-45cb-a337-8f8ad4f2874b
ID Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI) Business ID : dea62f4c-9f0c-4453-acc0-dae743e17669
Tentang Perusahaan
Industry : Beauty & Wellness
e-mail : hrd@genecraftlabs.com
Telepon : 087825435857
Alamat : Business Park kebon Jeruk Blok F2 no 9 Jl.Meruya Ilir Raya no.88, Kel. Meruya Utara, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Adm. Jakarta Barat, Prop. DKI Jakarta
Latitude :
Longitude :
Website :
Cara dan Waktu Melamar
Perhatikan! Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Anda sudah memenuhi Syarat dan ketentuan yang dicari oleh perusahaan agar tidak membuang waktu, tenaga dan uang Anda. Jika Anda sudah yakin memenuhi syarat serta Anda juga cocok dengan Gaji serta Pekerjaan yang ditawarkan serta Lokasi Kerja, maka silahkan Kirimkan Lowongan Kerja Anda.
Lowongan bisa dikirimkan mulai 2023-10-27 08:41:47 dan harus dikirimkan sebelum 2023-12-31 17:00:00.
Dari Lowongan yang dibutuhkan yaitu 3 Lowongan, sudah diterima sebanyak 0 Kandidat.
Anda bisa mengirimkan Lowongan melalui Jalur di bawah ini :
- Email ke : hrd@genecraftlabs.com
- Alamat Perusahaan : PT Genecraft Labs, Business Park kebon Jeruk Blok F2 no 9 Jl.Meruya Ilir Raya no.88, Kel. Meruya Utara, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Adm. Jakarta Barat, Prop. DKI Jakarta, 087825435857,
- Lewat Link di bawah ini
Masih ada Pertanyaan tentang Lowongan Kerja, Perusahaan ini dan lain - lain? Anda bisa kontak ke : RECRUITMENT@DYNATECH-INT.COM
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